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LPB band
The LPB band was founded in 1989 by Andreas Mouzakitis and Liana Koutrolikou.

First live performances in Kerkyra, summer 1989 (Pango-Pango, Coca Flash, Rondo, Ano Plateia).  First vinyl maxi single "light pop beat - elafrolaikos rythmos",  featuring "mundi-a-hell 'n' hi" and "these boots are made for walking", by Thodoris Manikas' ME.S.S. (Media Secret Services ltd.), Xmas 1989.  Live performances (1990 - 1993) in Athens, Greece (Rodon, Rex, Yuris', West, Camel, Omni, Pulse, Theatron, Loft  etc.).  First vinyl LP album "LPB light pop beat - elafrolaikos rythmos" (1993) by Thodoris Manikas' "Iptamenoi Diskoi".

All other albums are independent productions by LPB:

"LPB amykonos" (1995)

"LPB panselinos/8" (1998 - original soundtrack for the dance-theater "Panselinos/8", a creation of Maria Gaitani, performed by her "Eos"  dance group)

"LPB six soundtracks" (2002 - a collection of six original soundtracks for video art)

"LPB Faust" (2004 - original soundtrack for "Faust" video art by Nikos Zappas)

"LPB seven of clubs" (2007)

Now working on two new collections:  "LPB electroSHOCK" (old and new electroacoustic works) and "LPB studiolive" (old and new live performances recorded in the studio).
Easy Star All-Stars1.jpg

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